It seems that my perception of time is slightly of lately. By lately, I mean months... It's possibly due to my lack of sleep and other joys of getting older. Am I slowing down of sorts? I sure enjoy little musings and off time more then before, and I'm not even feeling guilty about it! Last week we had some lovely autumn weather and I thoroughly enjoyed laying on my chaise longue contemplating my last flowers and watching clouds passing by.
They were so fluffy, creamy and sugary that I was seriously tempted to fulfill my childhood dream and climb on them with a spoon to eat them.
Yeah, I was firmly convinced that the clouds were made of tons of whipped cream.
So much beauty in the moment, transformed to happiness of one dreaming hearth...

About Clouds, Flowers and Dreams
Yasmine, it is always so good to see you pop up. Your clouds do look like the whipped cream of childhood. - It is good to just stop and enjoy a lovely day. Hope you have a good week, my friend! xo
Clouds always amaze me and an interesting sky can make my day :-)
@Sherri: people forget how important it is to enjoy little moments of beauty in every day life. Instead, we are chasing some commercial dream of material hapiness.
@Zhu: did you happen to notice that clouds are higner in the sky in Canada then in Europe? Or is it just my imagination?!
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