I feel as if I'm almost sneaking back in to my own blog. And in certain way I am, after exactly one year of not blogging at all. I'm still here but I had to choose my priorities in difficult times I had and blogging did not made the list. Last fall my energy went definitely down the drain, so much so that I had to restrain all my activities except going to work. My problems with the sleeping weren't helping either. And then my dear husband was diagnosed with a condition that required special attention in order to reduce possible risks involved. It took some time to adapt to the new way of grocery shopping and cooking. But we made it once again together and things are looking brighter.
Then last February my boss accepted another job and asked me to go with her. I was more then thrilled to say yes ! On one side I was really sad to leave the joyful bunch of wonderful girls I worked with. But on the other side I love to work with my boss, she's so awesome, and I wasn't ready to take a risk and to have to work with someone I eventually don't get along so good. I made a smart decision in the end because my new job isn't so stressful as the old one and my work place is nicer too. That certainly helped me recover a bit but my sleep disorder continues to drain my energy.
I checked from time to time the blogosphere but wasn't able to follow everything I would've liked to. To my great surprise, a dear blogger friend Sherri wrote to me this summer and wanted to know if I was doing all right. I was in awe of this kind of kindness, just incredible, thank you Sherri !
I sincerely missed posting on my blog for many reasons but the most important one is the dialogue I'm having with all of you. Even if you don't leave a comment I appreciate you passing by and reading my thoughts on life and other wonders. Isn't it promising that blogging made my list of priorities again?!