Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back In Bloggerland

So sorry for the break in posts...I missed you all so much! I've been lacking inspiration a bit (not only for my blog posts...) and I've been in a sort of a dormant blog phase for months. I figured the last thing you need is to come over here only to pick up on my low vibe. Not only did I desert my own blog, I didn't follow yours neither. But today, just moments ago, it was as if someone pushed a secret (red, please!) button, and I woke up. So here I am and I hope you'll forgive me this little unintentional black hole of mine...
Many things happened: spring, flowers in garden, my diploma (finally),  job searching, swimming pool season, patio, extreme heat for weeks...
So, for today, I wanted to give you a sign of life and to share some nice pictures I've taken recently. I have to go now, I have to catch up on my blog reading, my Google Reader is bursting out of seams...



Sherri B. said...

Welcome back Yasmine! Beautiful photos! It really is so good to see you up and running again. Have a great day!

Yasmine said...

Hi Sherri, so nice to hear from you! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Don't worry, a lot of people take break from blogging. Don't stress about reading all your feed and stuff, just pick up here and there if you feel like it!

Yasmine said...

Thank you, Zhou, you're so right! I should take it easy...

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