It's been quite a while since I last bragged about my little "Salvation Art" collection. So here it goes again!
This is an oil painting that I found about ten years ago in a little shop that doesn't exist any more. When I saw it I was immediately transported by it's atmosphere to the narrow streets of my beloved Istria and Dalmatia. I saw myself strolling slowly in the late afternoon sun, listening to the sounds and voices coming from open windows, being comforted by the sight of the clothes moving gracefully in the wind on the clotheslines suspended between the old stone houses...
I decided to buy it right away, I think I paid about 15$ for it - my second most expensive Salvation Art piece! It's about 90 cm by 60 cm (3 ft x2 ft) and signed by "Etta". I couldn't find out more about the artist, there is an American artist Etta Deikman but I haven't been able to establish the link between her and this painting.
I love to look at it and I'm still stunned by the calming effect it has on me. Can't change it, I'm a romantic, nostalgic fool... I'm already looking forward to show you my next piece of found art!

Yasmine, that is a great piece. It looks like a true piece of art! I can understand why you are calmed by it, I would stare at it too...What a wonderful find. I can almost see the laundry on the line.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I love the colours in this. Green is a very calming colour. I can't wait to see more of your collection... which reminds me, I keep meaning to do a post on all of my art work.
@Sherri: I think it's obvious that we both have a thing for the clotheslines.
@Kathryn: I would like to see your art work!
It is very intriguing! Sometimes, something just catches your eye. It's good :-)
This is a fantastic piece! LOVE the rich, saturated color.
Hello I just Bought an abstract signed etta have you found out anything else about this artist?
@Anonymous : I wasn't able to find out more since. Does your piece look like it came from the same artist, stile wise ?
I also have a abstract signed by Etta and signature looks like yours.
It could be Etta Benjamin. She lived form 1924 to 2009. Look for a "Hillside House of Originals" marking on the back. My wife bought an abstract flower painting by the same artist. Ours says "Hillside Original" stamp on the back.
I was wondering if anyone had identified this artist yet? I recently aquired a painting also signed "Etta" the signature is nearly identical as yours and I would really like to find out who this artist is but haven't had any luck online.
Hi Jessica,
No, no such luck, I wasn't able to identify the artist either. If you find something out please do share, thanks.
Etta Benjamin:
Estacien "Etta" J. Benjamin a mid century abstract artist who with her husband opened Hillside House of Originals frame and art gallery in Los Angeles. Her paintings are typically signed either "Cien" or "Etta" mostly painted from 1950-1970 and seem to not have titles rather they are all numbered. This is a large painting of a Farm Girl standing in front of The Farm Barn. Since her passing her paintings especially those with the Hillside House name and numbers are becoming quite collectible and sought after in some art circles and geographic area's.
Ignore the "farm girl" painting comment, as I borrowed this bio from another painting by the same artist. Here's her 2009 obituary:
I just recently bought a painting signed "etta". Was trying to look it up and found you guys. Wish we could figure out the history of all these amazing paintings.
I have a large, almost five feet x five feet painting of two swans. Signed Etta. Any thoughts?
It is, I believe Etta Benjamin, who also signed some of her work Cien. There is not much out on the market at this time but what is and has sold of late ranges in price from $200-$500, from what I can find. I just recently had an opportunity to pick a large (36"x 24") oil painting singed "CIEN" at auction for $35. After some research before and more after my purchase, I have found much the same as a couple of the posters above, including this page. I too would like more info on my painting including its potential worth in the future.
Very interested in hearing more about this artist, Andrew
I recently purchased a "Cien" painting which is numbered and has the Hillside Studio on the frame back. It's a big "red" abstract which I believe is her interpretation of a "bull fight" or "Don Quixote fighting the windmills". What perplexes me is that an almost identical painting was sold at Papillon Art Gallery in CA a few years ago, but that painting has some minor variations on the one the I recently purchased. Question: Did Estacien paint multiples of the same theme/vision? Any one know?
I believe so. I have a large bull and matador painting signed Cien also.
I have had a cein painting for years and absolutely love it. It is a 3 1/2 ft by about 4 ft hillside original
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