I just got back from the local radio station where I was invited for an interview. The hostess prepares a mini-series about different aspects of immigrant women's lives in Quebec. She wanted me to talk about what it meant for my couple to live in Quebec in comparison to our country. This was not my first interview on the radio and it wasn't live so I was not so nervous and it all went well. On my way back home I continued to think about other things that I could have said or expressed in a different way. And then I was suddenly overwhelmed by so many memories, so many challenges life gave us, I could have filled hours and days talking about it. Our life was changed drastically several times, we had to flee from danger, learn foreign languages, cultures and customs, change professions, overcome numerous other obstacles. At the same time, we tried to live as normally as possible in order to offer a happy childhood to our children. No, I won't cry, but seriously, i have to fight tears writing this. Yes, it was difficult, but I was more than blessed to have to d
o it with the man on my side who never stopped holding my hand since we were 19...
And even if so many things changed in our life as a couple, that was the one true thing that remained the same throughout all the experiences. And for that I'm grateful...
Back to the radio interview: if you are by any chance interested to listen to this radio program, tune in on radio
CKIA on the February 24, 2010 at 1 pm Eastern Time (USA and Canada). The program is called 'Égalité: genre féminin' and it's in French.
P.S. I love you!

Living as a couple in a foreign country
I know what you mean, it's hard to sum up the challenges of immigrating and even harder to make non-immigrants understand them.
J'écouterai l'émission!
Tu parles français! Thank you for passing by Zhu.
Oui, bien sûr, je viens de France ;-) Bon, j'ai un peu tendance à inventer des mots qui n'existent pas parfois, comme "les végétables" et "mettre quelque chose en jéopardie", mais je peux encore parler français :-)
Et moi aussi, mais ce n'est pas aussi facile pour moi. Je comprends plus que j'écris! Je préfère l'anglais, mais c'est parce que je ne pratique plus le français.
I'm an immigrant myself, it's not easy.
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